Welcome to Stongdal Media

Join our groups

Stongdal Media has just started up new Facebook-groups for you to join! I run this organization completly by myself. Now you have the opportunity to be part of this journey. At the moment we have two types of groups you can join. Also don't forget to Like our official page.

The Local Sports Group

Ironman Kalmar, one of the biggest events of the year. But we also have Grand Prix and other races during the year. It is impossible for me to cover everything and be at every place at the same time. Join this group if you are interested in helping out a journalistic cause and at the same time get to the frontlines of the events.


Activism and events

Pride, walpurgis or midsummer? There are plenty cultural events taking place during the year. Join this group if you're interested in being visible and making your voice heard.

How to submit

To submit content, use a service like Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive. You can share everything with the address example@stongdal.se

According to international law, you keep your intellectual property to your content and you will be credited for your participation.

Making use of the Media - Prototype

NOTICE! This site is entirely created as a prototype for the course Making Use of the Media at Malmö university, spring 2020.



TELEFONNUMMER: +46(0)738220866
EPOSTADRESS: gustaf@rossi.se