Welcome to Stongdal Media

About Stongdal Media

Stongdal Media (pronunciation: Staungaudal Media) is a media organization focused on producing video, photo, layout and web, with the purpose of entertainment and journalism. This page describes the purpose and vision of Stongdal Media in closer. The organization is run by the Swedish author and journalist Gustaf Rossi.

The Story

The first traces of what would become Stongdal Media can be traced all the way back to 2003 when Gustaf Rossi wrote his first story Assar Boss. A few years later in October 2010, Gustaf created an internet alias for use in the gaming world. Assar03 came from his cat Assar who was born in 2003. Gustaf later started using the name on several different social media and platforms.

The Startup as Assar03

In 2013, a plan to launch a Youtube channel to make videos that would be about computer games were formed. This was the start of Assar03 Productions, the first few months it was called only Assar03. In January 2014, the Youtube channel, Assar03, was opened. This was the first documented presence of today's media developement.

In the beginning, the channel focused mainly on so-called Let's Play videos, which are videos where a person plays a game and comments on the gameplay. The first video clips were launched on February 21, 2014 and covered the free game/mod Estranged: Act 1.

Later during the spring of 2014, the channel widened with videos on video editing and After Effects. This was the same time that Gustaf studied video production in upper secondary school. After Gustaf's graduation, the Youtube channel gained more momentum by covering several different games such as Turf and later journalistic reports that widended the audience.

Assar03 Productions

During the autumn of 2014 the channel were presented under the name Assar03 Productions. Now the channel produced vlogs, a game review and its very first short story motion picture. A Trouble within the Mind - A Lucid Nightmare were recorded during the autumn and published on Christmas Eve 2014. During the same time the channel also got its first website which were designed during a course in Web Design.

The Reformation into Stongdal Media

In early 2015, Gustaf began to plan a major reformation of the channel. The idea of dealing solely with video game videos began to disappear to cover a larger theme of entertainment, culture and technology. In February 2015, the final decision was made to reform Assar03 Production into Stongdal Media, named after the railroad Stångådalsbanan which passed by Gustaf's hometown of Kalmar. The new name also changed the channel's orientation to become more journalistic. During the latter part of 2015, Gustaf continued to produce video clips for his Youtube channel. When he started his studies at Linnaeus University in the fall of 2015, the channel gained a larger audience with Introduktionen / Nollningen 2015 video, that showed of the students of Kalmar's kickoff.

Student in Kalmar

Gustafs första år på programmet för Journalistik och medieproduktion bestod av att bedriva webbtidningen Studentliv i Kalmar. Studenttidningen fick stor spridning och uppskattning bland Kalmar studenter och fanns kvar i ett helt år. I tidningen publicerades artiklar och reportage om Kalmar studentliv och studenter. Webbtidningen lades ner i september 2016 efter upprepade problem, trakasserier och motstridigheter från vissa personer i Kalmars studentliv. Gustaf's first year on the Journalism and Media Production programme consisted of running the student magazine called Student in Kalmar. The student newspaper received great dissemination and appreciation among the students of Kalmar and remained so for a whole year. In the newspaper; articles and reports on Kalmar's student life were published. The web magazine was however closed in September 2016 after repeated problems, harassment and persecution from some individuals in the student life of Kalmar.

From the Magazine to this Day

For the remaining time of 2016 and 2017, the channel and the website began to merge with Gustaf Rossi and to become his web portfolio. In the spring of 2018, Gustaf did an internship at the TV Project at Linnaeus University. Stongdal Media was then used to back up the productions that were made. During the latter part of 2018, the channels activity paused due to Gustaf's employment by Gota Media AB.


Today, Gustaf Rossi is solely responsible for the entire organization of Stongdal Media, just like the old days. The two names have undergone a merger to become almost the same object. The Youtube channel is still online and periodically new videos are published. Gustaf Rossi has a close collaboration with Kalmar Turf Association and is their Media and Press Manager.

Are you interested in a collaboration with Gustaf Rossi and Stongdal Media? Do not hesitate to let me know. I look forward hearing from you and your ideas of a collaboration.

Vision and Purpose

"Stongdal Media's primarly focus is to produce Journalism..." (The Device Regulations, Chapter 7, §2)

My passion is journalism, social media and video. I hope you will find something fun to look at here on my website. My vision with my channels is to combine journalism with entertainment to give a unique edge to the content. My hometown Kalmar often in the center and with the channels I hope to get more dissemination of my unique content.



PHONE NUMBER: +46(0)738220866
E-MAIL: gustaf@rossi.se