Here you may find the courses from my University studies along with their assignments. For some assignemts it may not be a possibility to publish these here. If you as an employer would like to see these you may contact me. First cycle assignments are only available in Swedish.
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These courses corresponds to 180 Credits and has been aquired as part of the Journalism and Media Production Programme.
University: Linnaeus University
Academic level: First Cycle
Acquired degree: Bachelor of Science with a specialization in journalistic media production. Main field: Journalism.
Syllabus for the Journalism and Media Production ProgrammeCode: 1JO101, 7.5 Credits
The course introduced the role of the journalist in modern society, the history of journalism in Sweden and the world. The course also covered the modern media landscape, laws such as freedom of the press, journalistic codes of ethics and news criterias. Syllabus
Code: 1JO102, 7.5 Credits
The course introduced interview theory, practical interviews and interview psychology. Part two covered the journalistic language, how to write articles and reportages. The course also included a simple analysis about journalistic articles. Syllabus
Paper about interview analysis
Code: 1MP101, 7.5 Credits
The course introduced photography, editing, typhography and copyright laws. Also included color theory with focus on print and web. Editing was done with Adobe Photoshop and InDesig. In this course we also visited a print shop. Syllabus
Newspaper editing - Contact me for a result
Code: 1MP102, 7.5 Credits
The course introduced dramaturgy, characters and storytelling. We also wrote movie manuscripts and developed creative writing skills. I wrote a movie manuscript based upon Stongdal Media's Trouble within the Mind. Syllabus
Code: 1MP103, 7.5 Credits
The course introduced the basics of producing radio, how a radio studio work and how news reports are recorded and edited. Editing was done with the program DigAS. I developed a radio spot about the mobile game Turf. Syllabus
Radio Broadcast, music has been cut away due to copyright.
Radio spot, with pre-recorded intro and outro.
Code: 1JO104, 15 Credits
This course included two parts, Legal Journalism and Governmental Journalism. Legal Journalism covered the Swedish justice system, court and prosecution. It also included researching people and source criticism.
Governmental Journalism focused on the Swedish and European governments and the local town council meetings of Swedish government system. Syllabus
News value of the local town council meeting
News article on the district courts judement
News article on papers from the government
Written Exam in Governmental Issues
Code: 1MP104, 7.5 Credits
The course introduced the basics of video production, planning, shooting and editing. The editing was made with Avid Media Composer. During the course we wrote a manuscript and produced a five minute movie. Syllabus
Five minutes movie - Contact me for a result
Written Exam
Code: 1MP201, 7.5 Credits
The course continued Radio Production. Radio News focused on finding and producing daily news for radio. These news were sent in our own News Broadcasts and local radio station. Syllabus
News Broadcast 1
News Broadcast 2
News Broadcast 3
News Broadcast 4
News Broadcast 5
News Spot, selected for examination.
Intro: For many years the Sidneyson's have run the lunch wagon Pastavagnen. This week they expanded their buisness with a new restaurant in Kalmar. Jonas Sidneyson, owner tell you more.
Outro: You've just heard Jonas Sidneyson. Our reporter was Gustaf Rossi.
Code: 1MP203, 7.5 Credits
This course covered editing of newspapers and magazines. This included both editing of the news and feature. The course also included writing a portrait of a person. I wrote a portrait and edited it with Adobe InDesign. Syllabus
Code: 1MP202, 7.5 Credits
This course continued TV/Video 1. It included different roles of studio production. The class worked at two different editing offices and searched for daily news. These were broadcasted in the afternoon in our own television broadcasts. At the end of the course each group produced and broadcast a magazine. In this course I also made my own TV spot which covered the 250 years of the Freedom of Press in Sweden. Syllabus
Code: 1JO201, 7.5 Credits
This course introduced the basics of scientific theory and writing academic reports. I wrote a text examining the differences and similarities in news reporting from the new alternative media and traditional media. This report was presented at an oral seminar. Syllabus
Text Analysis "Modern media development: News reporting of Alternative Media"
Written Exam in scientific theory
Code: 1JO202, 7.5 Credits
My Intership at ITV Studios Sweden in Stockholm. At work I participated as production assistant at the program Idag om ett år (This Time Next Year) for Swedish Television SVT. Plese note that this assignment are written from an academic perspective. For more information about the Intership see work experience. Syllabus
Code: 1MP204, 7.5 Credits
This course introduced writing for the web, the basics of HTML and CSS. Different media production from earlier in the programme were developed for the web. In a group I developed a web magazine called Allt om Kalmar. In this group we also made an investigative journalism text of the ecological habits of the citizens of Kalmar. Syllabus
Chronicle "Real Journalists or Fake News".
Webb Television "Allt om Kalmars Beer School".
Picture Story "Kalmar: A town with a long story".
Code: 1JO203, 7.5 Credits
This course introduced reading the annual reports of Incorporated Companies, laws relevant for enterprise and economy. This course also covered investigative journalism. I examined how E-commerce affect the job market. Syllabus
Investigative Journalism - Pitch
Investigative Journalism - Newspaper
Investigative Journalism - Video
Code: 1JO204, 7.5 Credits
The course covered the journalism in a global perspective. Research in Journalism from a local, regional and global perspective. This course also covered an introduction to political science, ideologies in Sweden and The European Union. During the course we vistied an international seminar of research in terrorism. We also analyzed the Danish and Swedish ways of writing about border controls. Syllabus
Journalism in a World of Terrorism
Codes: 2JO304, 7.5 Credits and 2JO303, 7.5 Credits
These courses covered theories and methods for research in journalism. In the courses I made smaller projects such as a quantative content analyis of the articles in a local newspaper, a discourse analysis of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, an analysis of visual communication and a qualitative interview about scandals in journalism. At the end of the courses I prepared and motivated the subject of my coming Bachelor's Thesis. Note that these are two separate course examined together. The assignments below examined both Theory and Methods.
Syllabys for Theories of Journalism and Media
Content analysis of newspapers
Statistics for content analysis (Excel-file)
Power Point for content analysis (Power Point)
Field studies/Qualitive interview
Code: 2JO30E, 15 Credits
My Bachelor's thesis in the Journalism subject examined how different presidents and governments affect the news reporting starting from Trumps accusations of Fake News. This was done through a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and a rhetorical analysis of the texts in American Media CNN. The thesis is published in the Digital Scientific Archive (DiVA). The hyperlink to the thesis will redirect you to DiVA. To read the thesis click the link in the top right corner, Examensarbete Gustaf Rossi. Syllabus
Giving Trump less ammunition in the form of unforced errors is crucial”: A comparative analysis of the news reporting of Barack Obama and Donald Trump in CNN
Code: 1MP205, 7.5 Credits
This course covered project producation, economy, group dynamic. In the course we developed a new media concept. In my group we developed the concept Minuten med... which is one minute documentaries for Instagram. These videos covered people with interesting hobbies, professions or stories. This concept was pitched for a jury of people from the media industry. Syllabus
Minuten med... Instagram Account
Code: 1MP212, 7.5 Credits
In the course I was given the chance to expand knowledge of a medium of my choice. This was done through my own learning process. The course included documentation of my learning process through a journal. I choose to advance my knowledge editing and visual effects. Note that this course also included the TV Project and TV Production Programme Planning. Syllabus
Final artefact - A Trouble withing the Mind Trailer
Code: 1MP208, 15 Credits
This course concluded the Journalism and Media Production Programme. The first weeks covered lectures and visits at Swedish Televsion (SVT), the production companies Way Creative, Tally-Ho and Ystad Studios. These weeks also covered the developing of television and movie ideas. These ideads were later pitched in front of a jury.
The latter part covered the production of the jury approved ideas. During pre production and filming I worked as script supervisor. In post production I worked with visual effects for the movie the Reality. These movies premiered 31st of May at the Cinema in Kalmar. Note that this course also included the Advanced Media Production and TV Production Programme Planning. Syllabus
The Notes (Exercise video) - Contact me for a result
Gerger (Sony F5 video) - Contact me for a result
The Reality (Television Project) - Contact me for a result
The Light House Keeper (Television Project) - Contact me for a result
These courses corresponds to 120 Credits and has been aquired as part of Media and Communication Studies: Culture, Collaborative Media, and Creative Industries, Master's Programme (Two-Year).
University: Malmö University
Academic level: Second Cycle
Acquired degree: Master of Arts (120 credits). Main Field: Media and Communications Science.
Syllabus for Media and Communication Studies: Culture, Collaborative Media, and Creative Industries, Master's Programme (Two-Year)
Code: KK640B, 15 Credits
The course covered four key themes around theories in Media and Communication science. The first two themes covered globalization, mediatization, media power, media production, journalism and radio. These subjects were discussed in two seminars and in a written paper. The two final themes covered representation, discourse theory, feminism, audience research and agenda setting. These two themes were as well discussed in two seminaries and in a second written paper. During the final weeks of the course I wrote a literature review investigating factors that increase the amount of fake news. Syllabus
Paper 1A - Mediatization of Journalism
Paper 1B - Discourses on Media Effects
Literature review - Fake news or Real News
Code: KK641B, 15 Credits
In this course I studied the Creative Industries within the media industry. The lectures covered these industires and economical issues. Within a group project I studied an industry of our own choice in how they capitalized on Creativty. I studied the Swedish developed news aggregator Newsvoice. The second assignment covered the use of macro methods, through a PEST analysis (Political, Economical, Socio-cultural and Technological). I analyzed Swedish national television (SVT). Syllabus
PEST analysis of Sveriges Television (SVT)
Code: KK642B, 7.5 Credits
In this course development of new modern and collaborative media, were the user are both consumer and producer, were discussed. Lectures covered development, production, and the history of Collaborative Media. In the course there were also disussions about challenges with working collaborative in a group. I developed the platform Språkcaféet Online, an Online service to help with language learning for immigrants in Sweden. Syllabys
Code: KK643B, 7.5 Credits
In the course I were introduced to research methods, its relation to research questions and the development of a research puzzle based on theory. The lectures discussed paradigms, method discussions and ethics in research methodology. In the practical modules I used three methods, Visual Analysis, Content Analysis and Interviews. At the end of the course I wrote a report about the alternative media's framing of the Swedish 2018, based on a content analysis. Syllabus
Code: KK644B, 15 Credits
My One-Year Master's Thesis in Media and Communications Science examined how the party leaders of Sweden's three biggest political parties (Social Democrats, Moderate Party, Swedish Democrats) were framed in the news media. The studies were performed using a Critical Discourse Analysis of a selection of articles from 2010 and 2018 in Sveriges Television (SVT) and Dagens Nyheter (DN). The thesis is published in the Digital Scientific Archive (DiVA). The hyperlink to the thesis will redirect you to DiVA. To read the thesis click the link in the top right corner, fulltext. Syllabus
Code: KK645A, 15 Credits
The course dealt with themes about datafication of society, data analysis, algorithms, visualization of data and relationships between these concepts. Concepts such as Big Data and new ethical issues around this were also discussed. In a group project I wrote about an article that investigated how information about movies has become datafied and has given rise to new genres. The course also included an oral and visual presentation where the collected data for the article was presented. Syllabus
Data Visualisation (External Website)
The Datafication of Movies (Individual article)
The Datafication of Movies (Group article)
Code: KK648A, 15 Credits
This course dealt with themes about network studies, social relationships and constructions on various social networks. The course covered three theoretical perspectives on studies of network societies and three practical applications to network studies (Art, Political Manipulation and Freelance Journalism through Entrepreneurship). During the course I also wrote an article that studied the presence and use of social media by Alternative Media, based on Manuel Castell's theories of Poltical Economy. Syllabus
Right wing identities in Social Media (Empirisk forskningsstudie)
Code: KK645B, 15 Credits
In this course, practical studies were deployed on organizations in the media sector from three perspectives in Media and Communication, Activism, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Communication. The Social Business Model Canvas as a tool was introduced and used to find social challenges within media organizations. I worked on developing my own media organization Stongdal Media from the perspective of Entrepreneurship and Strategic Communication, partly through a study of the organization's structure and a reflection of the organization. Some concepts discussed were the organization's role in relation to citizen journalism and from this a prototype was developed for social media. Syllabus
Presentation of Media Intervention
Code: KK649B, 15 Credits
My Two-Year Master's Thesis in Media and Communications Science examined how immigration critical alternative media compared to public service form discourses around the topic how the four largest parties in adress the migration issue during the 2018 election. The study analyzed twelve articles written by the alternative media (Fria Tider and Nyheter Idag) and by the Public Service companies (SVT and SR). The thesis is published in the Digital Scientific Archive (DiVA). The hyperlink to the thesis will redirect you to DiVA. To read the thesis click the link in the top right corner, fulltext. Syllabus
The following courses have been aquired aside from other programmes. The courses are not included in a degree and corresponds to a total of 80 ECTS credits. All courses are in the first cycle.
Code: 1MP262, 3 Credits
University: Linnaeus University
Subject: Media Production
This course introduced the TV project and covered planning and pitching of television ideas. See TV Project for additional information. Syllabus
Code: SI150V, 4.5 Credits
University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Subject: Physics
The course contained of three chapters covering Einsteins theory of relativity. Introduction covered classical mechanics and definitions of the special theory of relativity. Terms such as rotations, invariants and geometrical translations were introduced and described through interactive problems. Syllabus
Code: RY1003, 7.5 Credits
University: University of Gothenburg
Subject: Russian
In the course basic grammar, reading comprehension of Russian were introduced. The course was divided into ten parts that covered different parts of the Russian language. Syllabus
Code: IM203E, 15 Credits
University: Malmö University
Subject: Russian
Russian 1 covered the basics of the Russian language. This include speech, grammar, reading and listening comprehension in the Russian language. The course also covered the history and culture of Russian. Syllabus
Code: IM204E, 15 Credits
University: Malmö University
Subject: Russian
Russian 2 continued the knowledge of Russian grammar. It also covered reading and listening comprehension of shorter texts. The course also included an individual assignment where I developed my vocabulary around media and journalism. Syllabus
Code: A228TG, 5 Credits
University: University of Borås
Subject: Chemistry
In this course the process of brewing beer was studied. The course started from a chemistry perspective of Beer Brewing and Fermentation. Home brewing was also studied and explained during the course. Syllabus
Code: 1ME101, 15 Credits
University: Linnaeus University
Subject: Media Technology
This course covered the design of web pages using HTML5, CSS3, XML, DTD and JavaScript. The theory covered accessibility and utility for people. Syllabus
Code: 1ME105, 15 Credits
University: Linnaeus University
Subject: Media Technology
This course was a introduction to academical studies and the subject of Media Technology. It included areas such as academic papers, Harvard references, project production and group dynamics. Syllabus
Code: 1ME106, 7.5 Credits
University: Linnaeus University
Subject: Media Technology
A theorethical course covering interface design and the user need. The course covered ten seminars. At the end, a prototyp of an application was developed to encourage people to buy ecological products. Syllabus
Code: 1BD900, 7.5 Credits
University: Linnaeus University
Subject: Media Technology
This course included colors and pictures role in the media. In the course we worked with Photoshop, Google SketchUp, sketching and analysis of images. Syllabus